Tuesday 23 July 2013

Forget the Bébé royale...look! 200 Killer items from ASOS (£20)

I'm obviously joking about the royal baby, its the best thing to happen all year, and surprisingly emotional going from the tears streaming down my face when I heard Kate had gone into labour. It was early and I was tired on my way into work, OKAY?

Anyways, ASOS has a '200 killer items' section, which is also quite exciting. So here's my killer items from the 200 'killers', all for £20 woooo can I get a royal baby holler?


My New Favourite of the top 6 killers of the asos killers, this absolute killer jumper...


Fit for a King, or a Royal baby in fact. A Royal baby called Henry, or Edward, or George maybe. My bets are on James!!!

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